Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

Memperbaiki klik kanan Windows 10 lambat

Memperbaiki klik kanan Windows 10 lambat
Ikuti langkah di bawah ini dengan hati-hati untuk menghapus registry yang dibuat oleh penyedia aplikasi pihak ketiga agar klik kanan desktop Windows 10 Anda kembali normal.
Cara 1 dari 2
Langkah 1: Di Start menu atau kolom pencarian yang ada di taskbar, ketik regedit lalu tekan Enter untuk membuka Registry Editor. Jika Anda melihat pesan konfirmasi User Account Control, klik tombol Yes.
Membuka Regedit di Windows 10
Langkah 2: Setelah jendela Registry Editor muncul, cari kunci registry berikut ini:
Langkah 3: Di bawah folder ContextMenuHandlers, akan muncul beberapa folder anakan.
Kunci Registry GPU Intel
Langkah 4: Untuk menghapus kunci registry yang dibuat oleh Intel Graphics Properties dan Graphics Options, hapus folder igfxcui dan igfxDTCM. Caranya, cukup klik kanan folder tersebut lalu pilih opsi Delete. Klik Yes jika ada pesan konfirmasi muncul.
Namun jika Anda menggunakan GPU NVIDIA, hapus folder NvCplDesktopContext.
Kunci Registry GPU NVIDIA
Langkah 5: Tutup jendela Registry Editor dan cek kembali apakah klik kanan sudah kembali normal. Jika belum, cobalah untuk merestart komputer Anda terlebih dahulu.
Metode 2 dari 2
Untuk Anda yang merasa kesulitan dengan metode 1, Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi gratis yang dijuluki ShellExView untuk menghapus kunci registry di atas. Berikut adalah cara menggunakan ShellExView di Windows 10.
Langkah 1: Kunjungi halaman ini dan download versi terbaru dari ShellExView (link download ada di ujung bawah halaman).
Langkah 2: Extract file *.zip yang Anda dapatkan dari langkah 1 lalu jalankan aplikasi shellexview.exe (klik Yes jika konfirmasi User Account Control muncul).
Langkah 3: Setelah jendela aplikasi ShellExView terbuka, untuk beberapa saat ShellExView akan mencoba memindai kunci registry Anda.
Langkah 4: Terakhir, cari entri dengan nama NVIDIA CPL Context Menu Extension lalu klik kanan dan pilih opsi Disable.
Namun jika Anda menggunakan GPU Intel, di bawah Extensions cari dua entri dengan nama TheDesktopContextMenu Class dan TheDesktopContextMenu Class lalu klik kanan dan pilih Disable. Restart komputer Anda untuk melihat perubahan.

Failure Configuring Windows Updates

How to Fix ”Failure Configuring Windows Updates” Issue
Windows Update Configuration Failure
Now let’s see how we can try to solve this problem. Follow the steps given below.
Step 1 – Waiting to Revert or Force Restart
If you are stuck on the error screen, then there are two options for you. First one is to wait for the computer to revert the changes. It may take half an hour to several hours. Apply this method if you are scared to do a force restart and have enough patience. Once the reverting process is complete, your computer should boot and then follow the steps below to make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future.
If you don’t want to wait for the revert or if the reverting doesn’t fix the issue and you still see the error, then try to force restart your computer. If you don’t have a restart button, press and hold the power button until the PC shuts down. Now start the PC again and keep pressing F8 repeatedly to enter safe mode. If you can enter safe mode, then follow the steps below.
Step 2 – Creating System Restore Point (Optional)
The first thing you want to do is create a system restore point for just for safety before making any changes to the system. To do that, just open Start menu. Then right click on Computer and select Properties. 
Create system restore point
Afterwards click on System protection on the left side of the window then under the System protection tab, click on Create.
restore point
Now give the restore point a name then click on Create. Windows will create a system restore point and once it’s done you will get a message that it was created successfully. We did this because if anything goes wrong during the next few steps, you can restore your system from this point and get everything to back to like it was before.
Step 3 – Using Windows Update Troubleshooter
In this step we will try to fix the update error issue using the built-in troubleshooter on your windows computer. To do that, Go to Control Panel and then click on Find and Fix Problems.
Windows Update Troubleshooting
Afterwards, click on Fix problems with Windows Update under System and Security section.
System and Security
A window will appear and in there Click on Advance and click on Run as Administrator. Also make sure the check under that is ticked.
Fixing with troubleshooter
Then click on Next. Now windows update troubleshooter will try to fix the problem automatically and show you the results once done.
Update failure solved
You can also use official Windows update troubleshooter from Microsoft. If step 2 given above doesn’t solve your problem, then move to step number 3.
Step 4 – Deleting Windows Update Cache
At this point we are gonna delete windows update cache which may resolve the problem. First we need to turn off some services otherwise Widows wouldn’t allow us to delete those cache files and folders. Go to Start menu then in the search box type in services.msc and hit Enter. In the service window scroll down until you find Windows Update. 
Stopping windows update service
When you find it, double click on it then in that window click Stop and then OK, that will stop the windows update service.
Stopping Background Intelligent Service
You also need to stop Background Intelligent Transfer Service the same way you stopped windows update service. You will find it in the services window as well.
After that go to the drive where you installed windows, usually drive. Then go to Windows folder and then SoftwareDistribution folder. Then delete everything from inside the DataStore and Download folder with Administrator permission. Don’t worry, deleting these files will not delete any of the updates that you have installed previously.
Clearing the update cache
Afterwards, start Windows Update service and Background Intelligent Transfer Service just like the way you stopped them previously.

Display Driver Stopped

Display driver stopped

Giving the Timeout Detection and Recovery feature more time to complete this operation by adjusting the registry value, may resolve this issue.

To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Exit all Windows based programs.
  2. Select Start, type regedit in the Search box, and then double-click regedit.exe from the results above. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  3. Locate to the following registry subkey:
  4. On the Edit menu, select New, and then select the following registry value from the drop-down menu specific to your version of Windows (32 bit, or 64 bit):
For 32 bit Windows
    1. Select DWORD (32-bit) value.
    2. Type TdrDelay as the Name and then select Enter.
    3. Double-click TdrDelay and add 8 for the Value data and then select OK. 
For 64 bit Windows
    1. Select QWORD (64-bit) value.
    2. Type TdrDelay as the Name and then select Enter.
    3. Double-click TdrDelay and add 8 for the Value data and then select OK.
  1. Close Registry Editor and then restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Rabu, 24 September 2014

cara unprotect windows

cara unprotect windows

1. Masuk ke dalam command prompt dengan cara, pilih start > run > cmd >enter


2. Masuk ke folder/drive dimana Anda menyimpan folder yang terproteksi ( saya

 menyimpan file di drive d ), untuk berpindah dari satu folder ke folder lainnya

 gunakan perintah " cd nama folder enter ", untuk berpindah dari drive c ke d atau drive lainya

 gunakan cara " d: enter".


3. Sekarang lihat isi folder/ dengan cara "dir/w/a enter", perintah ini akan

 menampilkan folder secara melebar dan yang tersembunyi (hidden).


4. Perhatikan nama folder "proteksi.{21EC2020-bla.bla (hurup dan angka)}",

 folder ini terproteksi dengan teknik redirect ke recycle bin.


5. Untuk menghilangkan proteksi folder tersebut, ketik "ren

 "proteksi.{21EC2020-bla.bla (hurup dan angka)} proteksi enter".


6. Untuk memastikan apakah folder sudah kembali ke semula atau belum, ketikan perintah

 berikut, "dir/w/a enter"


7. Perhatikan, sekarang folder proteksi sudah kembali ke semula.

Cara setting kertas slip gaji pada windows 7

Cara setting kertas slip gaji pada windows 7

Di dalam software Ms Word atau Excel, kadang-kadang kita harus menggunakan kertas ukuran 1/2 Letter (8.5 inch x 5.5 inch) untuk mencetak laporan tertentu misalkan Surat Jalan atau Slip Gaji.Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk setting kertas custom size di Windows 7 :

  • Klik menu Start – Devices and Printers
  • Lalu muncul menu Printers and Faxes
  • Klik menu Print Server Properties
  • Muncul menu Print Server Properties
  • Di Form Name, kita ketik nama form yang kita inginkan, misalkan namanya Half Letter
  • Centang Create a new form
  • Untuk Units, pilih English
  • Di bagian Width, ketik nilai 8.50in
  • Di bagian Height, ketik nilai 5.50in
  • Klik tombol Save Form untuk menyimpan
  • Setelah kertas custom size dibuat, maka Anda bisa mengganti default paper size dari printer yang Anda gunakan, misalkan sebelumnya letter menjadi Half Letter
  • Beberapa jenis printer tertentu tidak mempunyai fitur custom size paper.